Sky, Sea, Earth:
Choral Music of Nature
Rocky Mountain Chamber Choir
Call for Compositions 2025
Celebrate the beauty, power, and mystery of the natural world through choral music. From the rustle of leaves to the roar of oceans, the vastness of the galaxy to the intimacy of a meadow in bloom, this year we seek works that honor the elements, the environment, and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Text of submissions must be secular, focusing on themes inspired by the earth, sky, waters, and beyond. Sacred or liturgical texts will not be considered. We encourage composers to think creatively about the wonders of the natural world and bring these inspirations to life through their music.
The winner of the Rocky Mountain Chamber Choir – Call for Compositions 2025 will receive a completely free demo recording of their song and a feature on our YouTube Channel and website. See below for details.
Deadline: 31 May 2025, Midnight MST
RMCC Call for Compositions 2025
The Rocky Mountain Chamber Choir call for scores 2025 aims to highlight one new piece of choral music. Composers of any age or nationality are welcome to submit compositions regardless of if they have received a prior performance of the piece or not. Both published and unpublished works are accepted. The conductors and singers of RMCC will select a composition to receive a free recording and a feature on our YouTube channel.
Entrance Fee
There is no fee to enter the RMCC Call for Compositions 2025.
No restrictions on vocal ranges or number of parts. A cappella or accompanied composition are accepted. All voicings welcome: unison, treble voices, SATB divisi, et cetera.
Any text not in the Public Domain or by the composer should be accompanied by documentation confirming the composer has secured permission to use it both in the composition and for public performance. No sacred or liturgical text will be considered for the Call for Compositions 2025.
Any composer is welcome to submit regardless of age, nationality, experience, etc. Only one piece per composer may be submitted. Songs may be published or unpublished, previously premiered or never-before-performed.
All styles are welcome. Composition should reflect the theme of “Sky, Sea, Earth.”
Accompaniment and Additional Instrumentation
Any accompaniment, such as piano or other auxiliary instruments, is welcome. In the prize recording, only virtual instruments will be used.
Submission Format
Compositions must be submitted as a PDF or JPEG via the given form. Entries must be typeset in music engraving software. MP3 recordings of MIDI or live performances are encouraged, but not required. Please include a piano reduction for a cappella entries.
Compositions should not exceed 8 minutes in length. No multi-movement works will be accepted.
Judging will consist of a panel of RMCC singers and conductors who have extensive choral singing and conducting experience.