These resources are available to continue an exploration of composing, improvising, and arranging music with your students. If you know of others that may be valuable for us to include on this list, please write to us at!
Digital Resources

Print Resources
- Hickey, M. (Ed.). (2003). Why and How to Teach Music Composition. Reston, VA: MENC. Based on a Northwestern University Music Education Leadership Seminar; A collection of essays and articles. Useful for educators’ research/investigation into student creating.
- Kaschub, M., & Smith, J. (2009). Minds on Music: Composition for Creative and Critical Thinking. Co-published by MENC and Roman & Littlefield. A textbook for pre-service and practicing music educators; includes a rationale for the presence of composition in the music education program and a review of children’s compositional practices to date in grades Pre-K to 12.
- Ruthmann, A. (2007). The Composers’ Workshop: An Approach to Composing in the Classroom. Music Educators Journal, 93, 38-43. A focus on the parallels between the process of composing music at a computer and the process students use to write in language arts classrooms.
- Sindberg, Laura (2012) Just Good Teaching. R&L Education. The Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance (CMP) Model is a framework for planning instruction in school ensembles that promotes a holistic form of music learning.
- Hickey, M. (2012). Music Outside the Lines: Ideas for Composing in K-12 Music Classrooms. Oxford University Press.
Do you have a group of friends interested in writing music and sharing it with each other? Check out the NextNotes Lab Toolkit! You’ll find comprehensive resources to help you create a community of composers/creators, performers, and listeners that are all excited about creating brand new, original music. And if you ever have any questions, or if you know of other resources that may be valuable to others, please let us know at Have fun, and happy writing!
Digital Resources

Advice to young composers
How to write for…
Download these free integrated curricula for your classroom. Each includes the following types of lessons and resources:
- Meet the Composer
- Full musical elements analysis
- Warm-ups
- Listen & Respond
- Create/Composition
- Interdisciplinary connections
- More piece-specific material
Whether you program a BandQuest piece or not, there are many materials that you may find helpful to your teaching!
ACFCurriculum Writers

Joanna Cortright, arts education specialist at Perpich Center for Arts Education. The Perpich Center for Arts Education is a Minnesota state agency serving school districts, educators, and artists. Cortright has directed the arts-infused teaching in learning institute sponsored by the Perpich Center for Arts Education and University of Minnesota for eight years. Other recent positions include arts coordinator and music specialist at Linwood A+ Elementary School, an arts-infused public school in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Assistant Director for MacPhail Center, a Twin Cities Community School for the Arts. A frequent speaker and consultant, Ms. Cortright has presented numerous workshops for educators throughout the region, and written curriculum for arts organizations and school districts. In February 1995, the Minnesota Music Education Association named Ms. Cortright Minnesota Classroom Music Educator of the year.

Herb Dick, band director at Rosemount Middle School. Herbert Dick has taught instrumental music, music theory and music history for Independent School District 196 in Minnesota for 23 years. Mr. Dick has served as a member of committees for which he has written a state model performance assessment for music composition and evaluated college music programs for the MN Department of Children, Families & Learning; assisted in collecting and editing materials for the MENC publication, Composing And Arranging – Standard 4 Benchmarks; and helped to revise the music licensure criteria for the MN State Board of Teaching. In 1999, the Minnesota Music Educators Association named Herbert Dick a Music Educator of the Year.
Download these free integrated curricula for your classroom. Each includes the following types of lessons and resources:
- Meet the Composer
- Full musical elements analysis
- Warm-ups
- Listen & Respond
- Create/Composition
- Interdisciplinary connections
- More piece-specific material
Whether you program a ChoralQuest piece or not, there are many materials that you may find helpful to your teaching!
ChoralQuest Curriculum Download Full Series
ACF Curriculum Writers

Joanna Cortright, arts education specialist at Perpich Center for Arts Education. The Perpich Center for Arts Education is a Minnesota state agency serving school districts, educators, and artists. Cortright has directed the arts-infused teaching in learning institute sponsored by the Perpich Center for Arts Education and University of Minnesota for eight years. Other recent positions include arts coordinator and music specialist at Linwood A+ Elementary School, an arts-infused public school in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Assistant Director for MacPhail Center, a Twin Cities Community School for the Arts. A frequent speaker and consultant, Ms. Cortright has presented numerous workshops for educators throughout the region, and written curriculum for arts organizations and school districts. In February 1995, the Minnesota Music Education Association named Ms. Cortright Minnesota Classroom Music Educator of the year.
Colette Sherman, junior high classroom and vocal music teacher for 34 years, primarily at Shakopee Jr. High in Shakopee, MN. During that time she served on the district staff development team, implementing outcome and standards-based curriculum. She was also active in the district’s mentorship program for new teachers. Her efforts in teaching and writing both classroom and choral curriculum resulted in her being awarded the MMEA classroom Music Educator’s Award in 1993. In addition, she has taught piano, served as accompanist and coach for music productions, contests and festivals, and presented curriculum ideas at state and national music conventions. Currently she is a student teacher supervisor for Winona State University, a substitute teacher for the Shakopee School District, and a curriculum team member of ACF.