
To foster the composition of new concert music by New Jersey composers.

Any composer who currently lives and/or works and/or studies in New Jersey. There are no other demographic restrictions or preferences. Composers may be in any stage of their careers. Composers with non-standard career paths are particularly encouraged to apply.

Grants to New Jersey composers for the creation of a new work of concert music and its performance in New Jersey. The size of the grant depends on the scope of the work. See below for some representative examples. Composers are expected to complete the work within a year with a performance scheduled within six months of completion. Special consideration will be given to projects with the potential to have a significant impact on the applicant’s compositional career. The commissioned composer shall grant CGNJ the unrestricted right, without royalty, to non-commercial use of a score and recording of the commissioned composition, but shall retain all other rights to the composition, including copyright and royalties.

Application Procedure
Composers should send CGNJ an email with:

  1. (PDF) Project proposal for the composition of a new work, including a description, instrumentation, projected duration, and budget. Should include a pledge to complete the work within a year of receiving the commission. May also include a statement of the anticipated impact on the applicant’s compositional career.

  2. (PDF) Letter of intent by a performer or performance group to perform the new work at a venue in New Jersey. While the performer(s) need not be New Jersey-based, preference will be given to those who are.

  3. (PDF) Composer profile: brief biography, including how the composer meets the eligibility criteria (lives and/or works and/or studies in the State of New Jersey); résumé of musical activity; catalog of compositions.

  4. (PDF) Score of recent representative work.

  5. (MP3) Recording (may be synthesized) of the recent representative work.

Project Support

To help realize performances or recordings of concert music by New Jersey composers.

Any composer who currently lives and/or works and/or studies in New Jersey. There are no other demographic restrictions or preferences. Composers may be in any stage of their careers. Composers with non-standard career paths are particularly encouraged to apply.

Grants to New Jersey composers to help defray the cost of a performance or recording project significant to their compositional career. See below for some representative examples. Since this program is aimed at providing the last piece of funding for a project, composers should apply only when all of the other funding has been secured.

Application Procedure
Composers should send CGNJ an email with:

  1. (PDF) Project proposal with all particulars including budget, schedule, list of all other funding sources with amounts and conditions, and a statement of the anticipated impact on the applicant’s compositional career.

  2. (PDF) Composer profile: brief biography, including how the composer meets the eligibility criteria (currently lives and/or works and/or studies in the State of New Jersey); résumé of musical activity; catalog of compositions.

  3. (PDF) Letters of commitment from all other project participants, including funding sources. While participants need not be New Jersey-based, preference may be given to projects with those who are.

  4. Any other supportive material the composer deems helpful.


To help connect current New Jersey composers with supportive presenters of music in New Jersey through commissioning and realizing new work.

Any individual or group desiring to commission and present a new work of concert music in New Jersey by a composer who currently lives and/or works and/or studies in New Jersey.

Each collaboration involves a grant to a New Jersey composer to create a new work for the presenter coupled with a grant to the presenter to help defray the cost of the performance, as illustrated in the list of recent grants below. Presenters are expected to choose a qualifying composer for the commission from a short list provided by CGNJ distilled from responses to an open call administered by CGNJ. The commissioned composer shall grant CGNJ the unrestricted right, without royalty, to non-commercial use of a score and recording of the commissioned composition, but shall retain all other rights to the composition, including copyright and royalties.

Application Procedure
Presenters should send CGNJ an email with:

  1. (PDF) Project proposal for the composition and realization of a new work, including a description, instrumentation, and projected duration for the music; likely venues for performance; and budget. Should include a pledge to present the work within 6 months of receiving the music.

  2. (PDF) Presenter profile, including history of similar projects (if any) and connection to New Jersey.

  3. Any other supportive material the presenter deems helpful.

Extraordinary Exposure


To help preserve and promulgate music by New Jersey composers, past and present.


Any individual or group with a project to perform and/or record music by New Jersey composers.


Rare, small grants to support the performance and/or recording of concert music by New Jersey composers, as illustrated in the list of recent grants below. Since this program is aimed at providing the last piece of funding for a project, applicants should approach CGNJ only when all the other funding has been secured.

Application Procedure

Applicants should send an email with a PDF of a project proposal with a detailed budget and description, including a statement explaining the project’s extraordinary nature.

CGNJ Funding Priorities

  1. CGNJ favors projects that can be realized within 18 months of approval.

  2. CGNJ’s focus is supporting the making of new music in New Jersey. Projects closest to this (e.g., for composer and performer fees) are most likely to be approved. CGNJ may also support recording engineering and instrument or space rental for projects realized in New Jersey. CGNJ does not fund travel, entertainment, publicity, or other ancillary services.

  3. For projects funded by a consortium, CGNJ will consider funding the final amount required. Proposals of this kind should demonstrate commitments from the other consortium members.

Applicant Guidelines

  1. Applicants are advised to consult the list of recent grants here in framing and calibrating their requests.

  2. Applicant file names should include the name of the applicant and the purpose of the file (e.g., John Smith composer profile).

  3. CGNJ may offer a grant for a lower amount than requested. Since CGNJ commissions are gestures of support rather than works for hire, the size of a grant is largely determined by the resources available to distribute and is in no way meant as a value judgment of a composer’s time and effort. The grantee may accept the grant as a commission (or sponsorship) or as a co-commission (or co-sponsorship).

  4. Each grant is defined in a written agreement executed jointly by the grantee and CGNJ that specifies the work expected, the schedule, and the payment terms. Composers are required to certify they meet the eligibility requirements (live and/or work and/or study in the State of New Jersey) at the time they execute the contract. The contract also specifies the exact wording of the credit expected by CGNJ.