During the festival, a composition workshop will be held in which a piece or movement will be created and worked on for the ensembles Klexos, Pulso or Spółdzielnia Muzyczna and will be premiered during the festival in concert. To this end, composition students will have classes with composer Jessie Marino and composer Pedro González, as well as reading sessions with the ensemble they wish to work with, among other activities.

The instrumentation is free within the possibilities of each ensemble. Namely:

  • Klexos: up to 4 saxophonists and performer/multimedia artist (sx, sx, sx, sx, perf/multimedia art.)
  • Spółdzielnia Muzyczna: violin, viola, cello and clarinet (vl, vle, cll, cl)
  • Pulse: saxophone, piano and violin (sx, pno, vl)

It will not be possible to choose an instrumentation that involves several ensembles. The maximum time will be 6 minutes. The pieces may contain multimedia or performative elements.

Applicants may be of any age or nationality. The workshop will be conducted primarily in English.

The application is completely free and the composers accepted for the workshop will be announced on April 30.

The registration fee is €300 and will entitle you to at least:

  • 1 session with Jessie Marino.
  • 1 group workshop with Pedro González.
  • Tutoring with teachers.
  • Premiere of the piece/movement at the festival.
  • Participation and attendance at all activities, concerts or round tables that take place during the festival.
To register, fill out this form.