Monday, November 4th, 2024

We are honored to have had Chris Campbell on staff for 20 years! He has decided that’s a good milestone to step away from his time at innova Recordings/ACF, and we can’t wait to hear more of his music and other projects he’ll be pursuing now. Most recently, Chris has been our Director of Recordings, helping to oversee the transformation of the label over the last few years. But he started at ACF as an intern, so that also means we have 20 years of incredible work and advice – and fun photos – that he leaves behind. We’ll miss you, Chris!
As we work on the transition, please contact Tim Igel ( with timely questions. Thanks in advance for understanding we’ll need some transition time.
Here’s a personal note from Chris:
I joined the innova label in 2003. From 2003 to 2020, the label’s catalog grew from around 50 to close to 900 titles. We were producing 25 to 30 or more releases a year encompassing different genres, concepts, and approaches — all somehow non-conformist, individualistic, and often groundbreaking. The catalog is a true storehouse consciousness of multiple places and times. Working to be part of an inclusive musical ecosystem that seeks, nurtures, and empowers creative energy is joyful work.
During my time at ACF and the label I witnessed and was privileged to partake in many wonderful things. innova albums and artists have been nominated for – and won – Pulitzers, Grammys, and Emmys. They have received plaudits from publications from all over the world. I like to think that a lot of that success was because of authentic partnering with artists, hard work, politicking, and dogged pursuit of living representation in a mainly western classical music sphere. I was lucky enough to write press and one sheet copy for amazing releases, establish business structure and plans, and with trepidation walked the company through the death of big box retail and into the digital era.
There was navigating four separate distribution changes or bankruptcies while communicating position and stability to all innova artists. There were street dates, managing databases, transfer of websites, building album and release campaigns with dear friends, and getting on front pages of every single major music sales outlet on the planet. I even dutifully glued cotton balls to a thousand units of custom packaging! I had the motivation to do these things because I truly wanted to serve and honor my fellow artists and their efforts. I feel a well of deep gratitude for all of it.
If you would like to stay in touch with me in the future, you can reach me on my website