Monday, May 8th, 2017

ACF is thrilled to announce the 4th Annual NextNotes® High School Composition Awards! NextNotes is a national program designed to nurture the next generation of creative voices in music composition – in any genre! The NextNotes® High School Composition Awards encourage and recognize the creativity of high school composers and awards outstanding talent with mentorship, scholarship funds and a performance of their work by professional musicians. Whether teens write for voices, electronics or instruments, are a singer/songwriter or improviser, hip-hop artist or sound designer… if they are in high school, we want them to apply! Experience NextNotes through the video below, and learn more about the 2017 winners here!
Students in grades 9-12 are invited to apply with a single composition in any genre or style by the deadline of January 8, 2018. Applications are submitted electronically through an on-line process. Visit to access the Guidelines and FAQs.
Six composers will be chosen to receive a scholarship along with travel to Minneapolis-St. Paul for a two-day workshop with professional composer mentors and professional musicians in June 2018. The workshop will conclude with an awards ceremony and culminating concert of the winning works.
Interested high school musicians are encouraged to visit the website and connect via Twitter (@NextNotes), Facebook (ACF Ed), and on Tumblr and Instagram (acfnextnotes).