EIDOS, transliteration from the Greek εἶδος ‘form’.
The term became known when Plato used it in reference to Form in his ‘theory of ideas’. Here, we must understand the Platonic idea not only as ‘abstract concept’ but as ‘form and content’, meaning the shared form inherent in all concepts and their extensions. From this postulate, our musical project wishes to be an organic, heterodox and meta-evolutionary structure, useful for composers and performers of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds.
Art. 1
The Department of Keyboard Instruments of the Como Conservatory establishes a permanent call for scores (Eidos Piano Project) open to composers of any nationality and without any age limit in order to create an archive of solo piano compositions.
The scores must have been written from year 2000 onwards and the use of electronic instrumentation is accepted.
These scores, selected every six months by a commission specifically appointed by the Director of the Como Conservatory, may be used by teachers and students of the Como Conservatory for teaching and concert production activities.
Art. 2
The committee’s selection is aimed at meeting the requirements listed below:
- Compliance with the educational level of one of the categories A – B – C – D listed in Art. 3
Art. 3
Submitted compositions must clearly indicate the educational level to which they are dedicated in relation to the following specifications:
- Preparatory level (students up to 13 years of age): maximum duration 4 minutes.
- Propaedeutic level (students up to 19 years of age): maximum duration 7 minutes.
- Bachelor level (students up to 22 years of age): maximum duration 10 minutes.
- Master level (students up to 24 years of age): max. duration 15 minutes.
Art. 4
Composers wishing to participate in the Call for scores must send their scores to the following address eidos@conservatoriocomo.it
- score in PDF format
- Indication of the educational level of the submitted score (Art. 3)
- Indication of the duration of the composition
- Name and surname of the composer
- Date of birth
- Residence