Tuesday, February 12th, 2019

This coming summer, one San Francisco Bay Area composer will be selected to receive $10,000 for the design, coordination, and production of a residency project that begins after September 1, 2019 and ends by March 1, 2021.
This is an opportunity for you to design and lead a local project, in which you are the composer-in-residence. If you create original music/sonic material and have a project idea, we encourage you to apply! The application portal will open on April 1st, but don’t wait until then! Start planning your project now and read details on our website. https://composersforum.org/programs/acf-composer-residency-bay-area/
ACF staff want you to feel confident that you’ve put together your strongest application for our programs. Online info sessions give you the opportunity to plan ahead, ask questions, and get application advice. Each will be a free, hour-long session to walk through the program description, guidelines, and online application process. You can ask individual questions during the session or contact me separately with your questions. Four info sessions will be offered for this program – the same material will be covered at each session:
Monday, 2/18 @ 7:00pm Pacific Time REGISTER
Saturday, 3/2 @ 11:00am Pacific Time REGISTER
Monday, 3/4 @ 7:00pm Pacific Time REGISTER
Wednesday, 3/13 @ 12:00pm Pacific Time REGISTER
Questions? Contact program manager Kris Kautzman at kkautzman@composersforum.org or 651.338.6076